What can I say other than this is the best guided adventure tour I have ridden (and I have been riding for many years!). The scenery was simply mind blowing and given I am from New Zealand that is a big statement! In a review you can’t begin to describe the different vista’s this trip covers as you transverse each State. I have done my own road trips throughout the US but this was just on another level. Great memories, now imprinted on me.

Every day was different both in terms of beauty but also the technical riding skills required. That combined with sharing the experience with a group of international like minded riders, the choice of bike (I can’t imagine a better bike than the T7 for the route) and the orangisation and leadership that both Olivier and Caroline put into the organisation and support was supurb!

This is a hard riding trip with long days and high levels of concentration required. You absolutely need off-road riding skills but Olivier is an excellent teacher as well as rider so he will also help those requiring improvement to ride better and faster. I have been riding for over 40 years including early years riding enduro in NZ however there were many things Olivier helped me with in learning almost a new style of riding suited to the terrain and bike (think 40 degree heat in the morning, river crossings, mud, sand, snow, technical climbs, high altitude passes all in a single day!).

Olivier keeps the number of riders to a small group so it feels like a team both while you are riding and in the evenings over dinner. As everyone is all satnav’d up and satelitte tracked you can ride in your own time, yet know where the others are at any time.

What is also unique about this trip is that if the days start to get too much or there are technical sections you are not comfortable enough with then Olivier has mapped road sections that you can take for a breather. Equally as beautiful.

Would I recommend this trip, absolutely.

Many thanks Olivier and Caroline. Here’s to great memories and making new ones!

Kia Kaha.